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Sell Your Models on CubeeMart

The full guide for 3D Product Designers

"CubeeMart" is our 3D-commerce platform - a verified 3D model market that everyone can buy as products, anywhere. That means - you can upload your 3D designs to Cubee and have them sold as actual physical 3D-printed products through other 3D Printshops worldwide.

What is CubeeMart?

Cubee is a global network of smart digital 3D Printshops.
Our goal is to create a world of sustainable commerce where products are locally manufactured on-demand. 

Cubee is a global network of smart digital 3D Printshops.
Our goal is to create a world of sustainable commerce where products are locally manufactured on-demand. 

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Why join us?

Most 3D designs are sold only to people who already have a 3D printer, closing off the community.

If you're selling STLs or selling your products in limited locations, Cubee can help you sell them to everyone, anywhere, with zero effort. You only need to upload them to Cubee & pick your price.

Oh, and It's completely free.


How Does it Work?

After you add your designs to CubeeMart, they will be up for sale in every Cubee Printshop (we currently have more than 1,500 of them, worldwide! ), & you will receive a fee for each sale they make. 


Don't worry: You will always have full rights to the product, and other sellers will only access the model once they get a printing order.

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Fees & Copyrights

When you sell a product through Cubee, you allow us to print only one copy of the design per sale (That means - if a customer wants to purchase two items of your design, you will get double the fee).

The customer never gets access to your design.

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If you joined CubeeMart, you'd need to set your designer fee. This is the amount you will get for each time your product is sold. We believe designers should get a fee even if their STL is free to download elsewhere. Most designers charge a 1-3$ fee and we strongly recommend not to exceed that amount.


Upload Designs

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There are two ways to upload your design: By opening a Design Studio, or through a Cubee Printshop. Just open a Printshop (you can always keep it closed), click "products" on your dashboard, and follow the instructions.

If you prefer, a Cubee bee helper can upload your designs manually. In this case, please reach out to our support team.

Contact Us

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